yukicoder 3046 yukicoderの過去問


(First solution) M denote the maximum value of A. Then, the answer is

\[ [x^{M - 1}] (x^{M + K - 1} \bmod (x^{M}-x^{M - a_1}-\cdots - x^{M-a_N})). \]


(Second solution) Consider the generating function. Then, the answer is

\[ [x^K] \sum_{i=0}^{\infty} (x^{a_1} + \cdots + x^{a_N})^i = [x^K] \frac{1}{1-x^{a_1}-\cdots - x^{a_N}}. \]

Inverses of formal power series can be computed in O(n log n) time by Newton's method.



Fast polynomial division

The quotient and the remainder of f(x) and g(x) are defined as the only q(x) and r(x) such that f(x)=q(x)g(x)+r(x) and deg r<deg g.
We have to calculate the product of two polynomials over Fp, but I won't mention it here.

Convert Division to Multiplication

The division can be achieved using the multiplication. For the polynomial \(f(x)=a_0 + \cdots + a_n x^n\), we define $f^*(x)$ as follows:


Let q(x) and r(x) be the quotient and the remainder of f(x) and g(x), respectively. As mentioned earlier, f(x)=q(x)g(x)+r(x) holds. Apply \(\ast\) to both sides, then

\[ f^{\ast}(x)=q^{\ast}(x)g^{\ast}(x)+x^{n-\deg r}r^{\ast}(x) \]

Since \(n-\deg r \ge n-m+1\),

\[ f^{\ast}(x)\equiv q^{\ast}(x)g^{\ast}(x) \pmod{x^{n - m + 1}} \]

Multiply the inverse of \(g^{\ast}\) to both sides, then

\[ f^{\ast}(x)(g^{\ast}(x))^{-1}\equiv q^{\ast}(x) \pmod{x^{n - m + 1}} \]

Since \(\deg q \le n-m\), we finally obtain \(q(x) \bmod x^{n-m+1}=q(x)\).
We used the inverse of g(x) here, but we haven't known the algorithm to find the inverse yet.
Next, we shall explain this algorithm.

The inverse of formal power series

Let \(g(x)=a_0 + a_1x + \cdots + a_n x^n\). The inverse of g over mod x is \(a_0^{-1}\). If the inverse of g over mod x^k is \(t\), then the inverse of g over mod x^{2k} is \(2t-t^2 g\). Thus, we can compute the inverses of g over mod x, mod x^2, mod x^4, mod x^8, ... recursively.

Proof: Let t be the inverse of g over mod x^k. Then, \(gt=qx^k+1\). We then have,

\[(2t-t^2g)g= 2(qx^k+1)-(q^2x^{2k}+2qx^k+1)=-q^2x^{2k}+1.\]

Therefore, \(2t-t^2g\) is the inverse of g over mod x^{2k}.

Let M(n) be the time complexity of the multiplication. Then, the time complexity to compute the inverse is \(M(1)+M(2)+M(4)+\cdots + M(N)\). For example, if \(M(n) = O(n \log n)\), it takes \(O(n \log n)\).

Fast polynomial remainder

If we have \(q\), we can find out \(r\) because \(r=f-qg\).

Multipoint evaluation

The problem statement is that given a polynomial \(f\) of degree \(N\), please find \(f(X_0), \ldots, f(X_{N})\). We can solve this problem in \(O(N \log^2 N)\) using the polynomial remainder. This problem is mentioned in the CLRS book.

Linear Recursion Relation

This problem can be reduced to the problem of finding the polynomial \(x^n \bmod (x^m+a_{m - 1} x^{m - 1} + \cdots + a_0)\).